What is sustainable packaging? When are primary fibres a better choice than recycled fibres? How can you be sure that your fibres originate from responsible forestry? Get the answers and gain the knowledge you need to go circular – all the way.
Go circular. All the way.
Discover the savings
To get things into perspective: Move the slider and see what food waste reduction means in terms of yearly saved global resources.
1 http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/AC911E/ac911e05.htm
2 http://www.imeche.org/docs/default-source/reports/Global_Food_Report.pdf?sfvrsn=0%27
4 http://data.worldbank.org/topic/agriculture-and-rural-development
5 http://www.imeche.org/docs/default-source/reports/Global_Food_Report.pdf?sfvrsn=0%27
7 http://www.aljazeera.com/news/europe/2013/09/2013911105929363197.html

Did you know that …
Maximise CO2 absorption
When you choose primary fibres from responsible forestry for your packaging, you help to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. Why? Because growing trees absorb CO2 to be able to grow. Billerud stimulates responsible forestry – that bind huge volumes of CO2 – and the replacement of fossil-based packaging material. The total positive climate effect of Billerud is estimated at 5.4 million tons of CO2-equivalents per year.
Primary fibres from responsible forestry are the perfect raw material for sustainable packaging. All primary fibres from Billerud origin from responsible managed forests, and you can trace our fibres back to the source.
In sustainable packaging, every detail counts. The good circle gives you an overview from when primary fibres are harvested to the stage where fibres can no longer be recycled.

Get in touch!
Improve with Billerud
We work hard to secure a seamless supply of our material to you, and to give you the support you need when and where you need it. If you want to optimise the packaging you produce or need technical consulting, our services will help you on-site. Our global network is the foundation of our services and an unparalleled asset. You are welcome to take full advantage of it.

Advance your know-how
This knowledge center offers insights into the concept of True Performance, which is designed to optimize packaging to meet the requirements of the supply chain and assess its performance over time.

Boost your productivity
We offer support with everything from converting guidance to technical consulting and logistics. In person or digital and round the clock. Reach out to us to know more.

Maximise your Packaging Performance
BoxLab is our knowledge center that you can turn to for expert advice on containerboard packaging. A unique science-based resource that is sure to improve your packaging in terms of performance, sustainability, and cost effectiveness.
Billerud Services
Where you work together to improve your packaging know-how, productivity and performance.