Responsible business
By conducting business responsibly, we contribute to a better and more sustainable world, while at the same time protecting Billerud and its stakeholders from the very serious consequences that can result from non-compliance with legislation, regulations, and international standards.
The foundation of the responsible business program is Billerud’s Code of Conduct. It is sets out standard and principles that all Billerud employees must adhere to. The Code of Conduct is based on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, of which Billerud is a signatory. The responsible business program further includes a framework of policies and associated directives setting out rules and processes aimed at ensuring ethical business practices and reducing compliance risks.
A compliance program aimed at reducing our business risks
Billerud’s responsible business compliance program seeks to strengthen responsible business practices, increase our employees’ awareness and knowledge, and reduce Billerud’s compliance risks. In light of an increasingly complex international regulatory environment and geopolitical tensions and conflicts, managing such risks is essential. The responsible business program primarily covers compliance with anti-corruption, antitrust, sanctions and export control, anti-money laundering, and human rights legislation.
As set out in Billerud’s Code of Conduct, the Group Responsible Business Policy, and several underlying and more detailed steering documents, Billerud has a zero tolerance against corruption. This means that Billerud will walk away from a business deal if there are any uncertainties about its legality. Billerud’s anti-corruption efforts further includes a comprehensive third-party due diligence program. Depending on the perceived degree of corruption, existence of international sanctions, history of human rights violations and/or lack of transparency, certain markets are categorized as entirely excluded or high risk. Depending on the risk categorization, Billerud applies due diligence measures, such as obtaining adequate knowledge about the business partner (“know your customer”), conducting screening and imposing contractual compliance requirements. The due diligence program is integrated in Billerud’s business processes.
Billerud moreover has a dedicated anti-corruption training which is mandatory for employees who come in contact with external business partners. Anti-corruption and other compliance risks are continuously monitored as part of Billerud’s risk management process.
The anti-corruption program further sets up procedures for sponsoring and donations. In this respect it can be noted that Billerud is politically neutral and that political donations are prohibited. No political donations were given during 2022 or 2023.
Billerud is committed to business integrity and anti-corruption and is an active member of Transparency International Sweden’s Business Integrity Forum (see further here: Business Integrity Forum | Transparency - Sweden).
Read more on our Policies and guidelines page
Whistleblowing system
If a Billerud employee or an external party suspect that a serious irregularity has occurred within Billerud’s operations, it is possible to report such suspicions, including anonymously, through the Billerud Speak-Up Line. The Speak-Up Line is available on the intranet as well as on the external website. The whistleblowing system is hosted on a third-party platform guaranteeing a high level of IT security.
High demands on product safety and liability
Requirements on packaging and other materials intended for food contact are high, and managing product safety is essential when delivering material that will be in contact with food. Billerud’s ensures in many ways that products are safe under intended conditions of use. More information is available on the technical data sheets on each product, read more under Packaging Materials.