Searching for sustainable packaging materials with a luxurious feel? Look no further than CrownBoard – exceptional materials made from our fully recyclable virgin fibers. When combined with our multilayering technology, the result is performance cartonboard that is Stronger, Stiffer, Lighter and Thinner. CrownBoard allows for lightweighting, while adding to your customer experience. And that’s simply outstanding.
Imagine what we can do for you

Imagine what we can do for you
CrownBoard Advantages


Traditionally, a stronger cartonboard meant that the material had to be thicker and weigh more – even if it didn’t need to be. That meant settling for heavier, more costly Cartonboard. Modern board making technology combined with highly engineered optimized blends of pure strong Nordic fiber, enable the production of stronger, lightweight performance cartonboard with a luxury aesthetic. With these features we can show how thicker isn’t necessarily better and why lighter is the new stronger.

More Sustainable
Seeking sustainable practices that offer plastic material replacements that have less impact on the environment? Billerud CrownBoard materials are sustainable and cost effective, resulting in the use of less material. Billerud CrownBoard is one of our sustainable forms of packaging material, it is fully recyclable, made and transported with very low carbon emission and uses little to no fossil fuels during production.
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CrownBoard Prestige

CrownBoard Craft
Improve with Billerud

Advance your know-how
Good supply chain support means simplicity and smooth processes. Prompt answers and a readiness to help. Reliable availability and delivery precision. We come to work every day to ensure that it is easy to do business with us.

Boost your productivity
With our tailored support packages, you benefit from our flexibility in terms of delivery options, volumes and lead times. It is your needs that determine delivery models, logistics services and interactions, tailored for you by your service specialist.

Maximize your Packaging Performance
The Carton Calculator is designed to optimize your material specifications to ensure you receive the best possible packaging for your requirements.
Billerud Services
Where you work together to improve your packaging know-how, productivity and performance.
Technical data sheets
Contact us
For more information, samples and demonstrators, contact our sales representatives.