Billerud Performance – sack paper for maximal functionality

Just as good. But without plastic.
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Improve with Billerud
We work hard to secure a convenient and uninterrupted supply of our sack paper to you and to give you support when and where you need it. Wherever you are in the world, we work out the best supply model to meet your needs. Billerud Packaging Development Center will help you optimise the packaging you produce. If you need technical consulting, our services will help you. Our global network is the foundation of our services and an unparalleled asset. You are welcome to take full advantage of it.

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Boost your productivity
We offer support with everything from converting guidance to technical consulting and logistics. In person or digital and round the clock. Reach out to us to know more.

Maximize your Packaging Performance
For an in-person and in-depth discussion on what we can do for your packaging performance, reach out to us below.
Billerud Services
Where you work together to improve your packaging know-how, productivity and performance.