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Build the world. Protect your health.

Concrete is the backbone of our world and has in one form or another been used to build civilizations for over 2700 years. But it has not always been the construction workers best friend. Instead they have continuously been exposed to cement dust over the millenia. Here are the health arguments you need to switch to D-Sack® – the sack that disappears in the mixer.


Anyone who has strained to lift a cement sack and pour cement into a rotating mixer knows how hard this simple procedure is. Not only on your back and arms, but also because of the cement dust that puffs out the mixer and quickly covers everything.

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A hazardous occupation

Mixing cement is not only tough. Scientific research also suggests that it can be hazardous. Construction workers are more likely to get lung diseases as a result of exposure to the crystalline silica found in cement. If you are a manual labourer in the construction industry you also run an increased risk of developing chronic pain and musculoskeletal disorders.*

A healthier solution

D-Sack® – the sack that disappears in the mixer – can be part of the solution. Unlike conventional cement bags, you just throw D-Sack into the mixer. There, the exposure to mechanical action, water and gravel grinds the packaging into minute fibres. These minute fibres then safely become part of the concrete structure with no negative effects.


Building a better tomorrow

D-Sack has about a 30% lower climate impact than conventional cement sacks. In a life cycle assessment conducted by IVL, the Swedish Environmental Research Institute, it was confirmed that D-Sack® is a CO2 capture in a hundred-year scenario because the carbon dioxide that was bound during tree growth and incorporated in the paper remains in the concrete structure.

At BillerudKorsnäs we challenge conventional packaging for a sustainable future. This includes a healthier workplace for everyone helping to build tomorrow. And who knows, when that tomorrow comes, we may then look back on today and wonder – why didn’t everyone just put the cement sack into the mixer and take a step back?


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