Press release
22 Jun 2006, 14:05 CET

Top marks for systematic risk management

In its survey, Swedish insurance giant Folksam states that Billerud manages environmental risks very well and is a good example for other companies to follow. Billerud was awarded the highest grade of seven points. It is becoming increasingly important for companies active in sectors with high environmental risks to report policies and programmes for risk management. Businesses are expected to not only manage economic risks but also risks affecting human rights and the environment. This has become a necessary extension of market responsibility for all companies who want to play a proactive role in building a globally sustainable society. Billerud conducts proactive environmental work and all the company’s mills have ISO 14001 certificates. The Swedish units are also registered with EMAS. Efficient use of energy and the replacement of fossil fuels with biofuel receive high priority. Over 90% of Billerud’s fuel requirements for heating and electricity production are today based on biofuel. Stockholm, 22 June 2006 Billerud AB (publ) Per Lindberg President and CEO For further information, please contact: Per Lindberg, President and CEO, +46 8-553 335 00