Update of the SPAjax project in Frövi
At the beginning of 2021, an investment decision of 2,6 billion SEK in a new recovery boiler in Frövi was made, an investment well anchored in BillerudKorsnäs strategy for a sustainable future. The new boiler is planned to be put into operation at the end of 2023 and the project got off to a successful start.
The project with BillerudKorsnäs new recovery boiler at the Frövi mill is well under way. About 50 people who are working full time with the project have just moved into the programme office, and many employees in Frövi are involved.

The new recovery boiler in Frövi is a prerequisite for the mill's future, but also an important part of BillerudKorsnäs' strategy and for us as a company to deliver on the growth goals we set. We continue to work hard to be able to deliver a new recovery boiler on time.
The project is running according to schedule - the major strategic purchases are being completed and the work with getting the foundation in place, where the boiler will stand, has just begun. During the spring of 2022, the construction of the steel structure will be started.
"The team is well aware of the importance of this project - both for the Frövi mill and for BillerudKorsnäs in general. We feel proud to be the team that will do this and are happy to say that the project is running according to our schedule." says Jan-Erik Eriksson, Senior Director Technology & Programme Manager SPAjax

The investment shall ensure the long-term operation at the production site and secure an environmentally improved, stable and efficient pulp- and board production. It will create the conditions for Frövi to continue to be a highly integrated mill with a competitive production.