12 May 2020, 9:00 CET

BillerudKorsnäs signs challenge for company cars

Half of all cars sold in Sweden today are service cars or company cars. Thus, Swedish companies have great opportunities to influence our environment. BillerudKorsnäs find it obvious to sign the Company Car Challenge (“Tjänstebilsutmaningen” in Swedish) – a challenge that means that all new service cars and company cars should be electric or hybrid cars.

The Company Car Challenge (“Tjänstebilsutmaningen” in Swedish) is created by Fossil Free Sweden, which, on behalf of the government, accelerates the transition to make Sweden the world’s first fossil-free welfare country.

The climate issue is important to us and we have a clear goal of reducing fossil emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. Adopting the Company Car Challenge is a very easy way for us to make a difference, and we hope that we can inspire more companies to do the same.
Malin Ljung Eiborn, EVP of Sustainability at BillerudKorsnäs

In order to accept the challenge, one must undertake to buy or lease only service cars and company cars that are electric cars, chargeable hybrids or biogas cars according to the government's “environmental car” definition. BillerudKorsnäs currently leases around a hundred service cars and company cars in Sweden, and as of this year, all new contracts signed will apply to “environmental cars” that emit no more than 70 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre.

BillerudKorsnäs is already supporting the roadmap for fossil-free competitiveness, which describes how the forest industry will become fossil-free by 2045. It describes, among other things, how BillerudKorsnäs and other players in the forest industry intend to reduce emissions from their work machines and transport. These actions are, however, not included in the Company Car Challenge.

Read more about BillerudKorsnäs’ climate work on this page.

Nominate companies to accept the challenge “Tjänstebilsutmaningen” on this page (in Swedish).