Welcome to BillerudKorsnäs, Trainee Group 2018/19!
Last week, BillerudKorsnäs Traineegruppen 2018/19 arrived and was welcomed by a two-day kick-off. The fifteen expectant trainees comes to us following on completing their university education.

In our group-wide trainee program, which runs from September 1st 2018 to August 31st 2019, work is mixed with education. The goal is, among other things, to give an overview of the company, to build networks, and to create a good foundation for developing future leaders or specialists at BillerudKorsnäs.
In order to give the bigger picture and create a deeper understanding of BillerudKorsnäs activities throughout the value chain from forest to customer, the trainees will visit and practice broadly throughout the entire group. Each trainee derives from his or her home department and learns the operation based on the department's and the position’s requisites. In addition, the trainee team meets regularly to learn about other divisions and operations, inter alia through visits and practice at our production facilities, at the forest department, at our customers and at one of BillerudKorsnäs international offices.
Through our trainee program, we are able to combine the next generation's ideas with our accumulated skills to continue challenging conventional packaging for a sustainable future. This has often proved to be an unbeatable combination.
Most welcome to BillerudKorsnäs! Caroline, Therece, Adam, Emelie, Marcus, Krister, Malin, Linus, Christopher, Nils, Christoffer, Björn, Joakim, Susanna and Karin.