SEK 3 million from Vinnova for leading-edge initiative
At the end of April, the Deep Process Learning project received almost SEK 3 million from Sweden’s innovation agency Vinnova. We are running the project in collaboration with RISE and other partner companies. Efforts will be directed towards our PM4 machine in Gävle, with all parties contributing their specific expertise. Together, we are expanding the opportunities within Deep Learning.

The project is based on improving our process management through analysis of big data. Olle Steffner is our steering group representative, working with issues including this one within BillerudKorsnäs’ digitalisation strategy.
“The Deep Process Learning project has enabled us to position ourselves in the front line of the development of artificial intelligence for the process industry. Success in this project will pave the way for continued applications development,” says Olle.
The project is to show how new technology in the field of processing extremely large amounts of data with self-learning systems can help us get better at controlling our processes. More specifically, the project will look at how the amounts of data that can be generated when preparing fibre suspension can be used to optimise board machines for consistent quality and stable production.
We believe that there is potential to use the enormous amounts of data that our processes generate in a far smarter way than today in order to produce better and more sustainable products. We’re also seeing that developments in technology have moved beyond the research stage and have now reached a point where it’s possible to start implementing functioning solutions.
The project will start immediately and run for three years.