22 Dec 2015, 7:30 CET

BillerudKorsnäs supports climate initiative

BillerudKorsnäs takes a positive view of the fact that the world's leaders have now come to an agreement on a new, ambitious global climate agreement in Paris. The agreement sends a crucial signal that we need to replace fossil fuels with renewable ones. Fibre-based materials are part of the solution, and BillerudKorsnäs wishes to play a part in stepping up the pace of this much-needed transition in society.

BillerudKorsnäs is taking part in the Swedish government’s climate initiative, “Fossilfritt Sverige”, which aims to highlight players that through their activities are helping solve the climate change issue and achieve the goal of a fossil-free society. BillerudKorsnäs has also taken a specific step towards this by starting to develop new, scientifically based climate goals of its own within the scope of Science Based Targets.

Science Based Targets is an initiative from the CDP, UN Global Compact, World Resources Institute and WWF, and aims to put pressure on governments, companies and other players to raise the bar in terms of their ambitions for the climate. They are key requirements if the work to counter climate change is to succeed.

BillerudKorsnäs already has low emissions of fossil fuels – 97 percent of production currently takes place using biofuel, mainly from the company’s own processes. This year BillerudKorsnäs made it onto the CDP’s A List for companies demonstrating global leadership in climate improvement measures.