- 2017
French students getting ready for PIDA
Soon coming up: the French edition of PIDA 2017. In total, 39 French students from the colleges of ESEPAC, IUT and ESIReims participate in this year’s competition. In the run-up to the PIDA event on 22 June, we met Cécilia Gayard, Sustainable Development & LTE at ESEPAC, for an interview about the students’ challenges, work process and experiences from PIDA.

Tell us about your school?
–ESEPAC is a well established French College in Packaging Engineering. It offers two study programmes: Bachelor in Packaging Technology and Packaging Engineering's Master.
ESEPAC is looking for excellence and high quality training for its students. The goal is to prepare them to be ready, safe and confident in their professional future packaging functions. Staying up to date with the demands of the industry is one of the expected skills.
How is PIDA integrated in the curriculum?
–Unlike other projects we manage for the packaging industry, the PIDA competition is fully integrated in our Bachelors programme since 2009.
PIDA is a good way to let them use their full creativity and be innovative.
Besides these abilities, they learn how to work as a team, how to organize their work and establish a good communication between them.
What do the students think about PIDA?
– Instead of telling you what I think, here are the words from some of the ESEPAC participants :
’Really interesting, this challenge!!’
’The project is comprehensive because everything has to be considered: Marketing, Sustainability, Technology and Graphics’
One former PIDA winner told me PIDA helped her to get the job. Her company recognized her creativity through the award.
What does PIDA mean to the students?
A few weeks ago, I talked with Richard who participated in PIDA 7 years ago. He will attend the Make up in Paris fair and was glad to hear the PIDA event will be part of the program! He remembered the competition and that he had a good time when working on it.
Anne, one of the 2010 PIDA winners, is now working for a cardboard company. She said that PIDA helped her to get the job. Her company recognized her creativity through the award.
For our current students, PIDA is a way to discover cartonboard with its characteristics and its incredible usage possibilities. The competition is also a way to show your skills and be recognized by the professional world, and all students would appreciate to add this award to their resume.
PIDA is the perfect way to practice your skills. Our students can apply their theoretical knowledge that they have obtained during their studies.
What does PIDA mean to you?
During the PIDA project, I dare to compare ESEPAC school to an anthill.
The ants run everywhere!! Folding, cutting, printing,” gently shouting” to get first to the machines and be able to provide the best concept !! Noisy ants for sure, but such a pleasure for me to see!
Beyond the shared fun, PIDA is the perfect way to practice your skills. Our students can apply their theoretical knowledge that they have obtained during their studies.