Support all the way

Doing business with us doesn’t end with the sale. We are committed to providing all the technical support you may need. We offer a complete service package, from pro-active consultations through to on-site, hands-on support whenever you need it. We supervise trial runs, trouble-shoot, and stay with you to ensure productivity and quality results.

Imagine what we can do for you

Our Carton Solutions Development Team shows you how you can combine the best material with the best structural design to grab attention and save weight without compromising performance.

Supply Chain Support

Good supply chain support means simplicity and smooth processes. Prompt answers and a readiness to help. Reliable availability and delivery precision. We come to work every day to ensure that it is easy to do business with us.

Tailored support packages

You benefit from our flexibility in terms of delivery options, volumes and lead times. It is your needs that determine delivery models, logistics services and interactions, tailored for you by your service specialist.

Carton Calculator

The Carton Calculator is designed to optimise your material specifications to ensure you receive the best possible packaging for your requirements.